Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Keep Running During the Holidays

It's that time of the year again....the Holiday Season! Somehow it happens without me even realizing it. The days are shorter, the weather is cooler, and there is less than 45 days until CHRISTMAS! Where does the time go?

I blame my lapse in time to my busy new schedule and additional roles as Working Mom, 1st Grade Room Mother, Girl Scout Leader, Running Beast, and as you can see I'm also working on getting back to blogging.

Whatever the reasons one thing has stayed true....I haven't stopped running. With one half behind me and several more races to go before May, including a 10 miler before Thanksgiving and a half marathon a few days before my 30th birthday, training doesn't stop for me this year.

Finished my 4th half on Nov. 9th with a PR of 2:12:42

With all that in mind, I've put together a list to keep me motivated through the Holiday Season:

1. Keep a schedule
I have my training plan written on several calendars throughout my house and reminders set on my phone. For added accountability and support, I like to include my friends and family. It's now become common knowledge to everyone that on Saturday mornings I can be found pounding the pavement on a long run.

2. Holiday Race Shirts.
Who doesn't love a cute race shirt and some of the best come during the Holiday season. Whether it be a Turkey Trot, Jingle Bell Jam, Rudolph Race, or Holiday half everyone can be motivated by a cute t-shirt.

3. Indulge
What more motivation do you need than knowing you can eat a few of your favorite Thanksgiving foods guilt free. I know that I will be running a little longer and faster to enjoy a slice of pumpkin pie.

4. Ask for Gear for Christmas
We all have a list of things we would love to add to our running swag. The Holidays is a perfect time to ask Santa for a few things. On my Christmas list: new shoes, hat, socks, clothes, and a stock pile of GU.

5. Swimsuit Season!
Do I have to explain this one? It may not fill like it right own when its thirty degrees outside, but before you know it, it will be time to shed the layers for a bathing suit. Staying fit in the winter makes sure you are ready to hit the beach!

What keeps you motivated to run during the Holiday Season?

Run Hard, 

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